RTK Query
Powerful data fetching and caching for Redux
Caching and network request management can be hard. RTK Query simplifies data fetching so you can focus on building your product.
Simple and Effective
RTK Query is a simple to use data fetching and caching library that solves the majority of use cases, with advanced configuration options to fit your needs
Built on Redux
RTK Query is built on top of Redux Toolkit, so it integrates with the Redux ecosystem and DevTools
Framework Agnostic
RTK Query runs anywhere Redux runs and isn't limited to React. RTK Query provides React Hooks for convenience, and it's a breeze to integrate with Svelte, Vue, or any other framework of your choice.
Developer Experience
RTK Query is built entirely with TypeScript, giving TS and JS users a first-class experience out of the box, and comes with opinionated defaults for common patterns.
Supports any protocol
Parallel queries
Runs on every framework
Built with TypeScript